Welcome to the MyDRV Mobile App


MyDRV is a mobile app and resource allowing our customers to manage their Mobile Suites or Full House and monitor warranty information, sales and parts orders, and robust library of how-to-content, checklists and many additional resources.

You can manage your RV online or by downloading the mobile app.

Create Your Account

Download the mobile app or activate online.

Create an account or sign in to get started.
Verify your VIN number and purchase date.
Verify your email.

This website is based upon the latest product information available at the time of posting. DRV reserves the right to make changes at any time to prices, colors, materials, equipment, specifications and models, and to discontinue models without notice or obligation. Color representations are as close as photographic/web reproduction will allow. All specifications are approximate and dimensions nominal. Text and/or photos may represent equipment or decor items which may not be included as a standard item in your model of choice.